Ibis Styles Bielsko – Biala Hotel

The Ibis Styles Bielsko – Biala Hotel is located in the foothills of the Beskids, within 1.9 miles (3 km) the main train and bus station. This 3-star hotel has an ideal location close to the Katowice – Zywiec road and the nearby Bielsko – Biala ring road provides easy access and is convinient for both business and leisure travel within the region.
Date of reservation |
Single room |
Twin room |
Triple room |
By the 15.07.2023 |
70 eur |
60 eur |
48 eur |
By the 31.08.2023 |
95 eur |
75 eur |
63 eur |
By the 15.09.2023 |
105 eur |
90 eur |
75 eur |
* price per person with breakfast
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