
Polish Open 2021 – 15th edition of Grand Prix Bielsko-Biała On behalf of the Organizers: Polish Karate Union, KSA Atemi, the Municipality of Bielsko-Biała, I have the honour to invite you to participate in...
POLISH OPEN 2020 – new format of the event! Dear Friends,   Taking into account the current epidemiological situation in Poland, the coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions introduced...
Welcoming words of the President of Polish Olympic Committee Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends,   On behalf of the Polish Olympic Committee and on my own behalf, I would like to join the invitation of...
Initial Greetings – President of the Polish Karate Union. Dear Karate Friends,   On behalf of the organizers: Polish Karate Union, KSA Atemi, the Municipality of Bielsko-Biała and the local...
POLISH OPEN – official announcement. Dear Friends ! To avoid misunderstandings, We would like to remind You that our event POLISH OPEN - Grand Prix Bielsko-Biała is the biggest and the...
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