The official promotional movie of POLISH OPEN WKF
The official promotional movie of POLISH OPEN WKF - The best and the biggest karate event in Poland. Welcome to Bielsko-Biała in October...
Honorary Patronage of Polish Olympic Committee !
We have an honor to inform that Mr Andrzej Kraśnicki The President of Polish Olympic Committee has just taken the honorary patronage over the Polish...
11 countries registred for Polish Open
At the moment we have 11 countries registred for Polish Open, but there is still 5 months for registration :) Check our statistics from last year,...
European and World Champions
Trzy dni zawodów na najwyższym światowym poziomie w nowoczesnej Hali Widowiskowo-Sportowej Pod Dębowcem ! Zapraszamy do stolicy Podbeskidzia od 7...