POLISH OPEN 2020 – new format of the event!

Dear Friends,
Taking into account the current epidemiological situation in Poland, the coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions introduced by the Polish Government, we were forced to change the format of our competitions.
After consultations with the city authorities and the Ministry of Sport, we decided to conduct the competition for KATA and KUMITE separately.
The competition will take place on Saturday, October 17, 2020, in the Sports and Entertainment Hall Pod Dębowcem in Bielsko-Biała.
POLISH OPEN 2020 – KATA – as a separate sports event will be held in the first half of the day. The beginning of the competition is scheduled for 09:00. After the end of the Kata competition, the necessary Kumite elements of the Sports Hall equipment will be disinfected.
POLISH OPEN 2020 – KUMITE – will be held after the Kata competition. Kumite competitions will be held without division into weight categories.
In accordance with current regulations, no more than 250 competitors are allowed to participate in the competition – counting separately for Kata and Kumite. Appropriate limits have been introduced in the system to handle the competition.
Registration at Sportdata.org takes place separately for Kata and Kumite competitions:
Each entry goes into the waiting list and only after receiving payment by bank transfer it will be accepted. To speed up the process of online registration we ask to send the confirmation of the bank transfer by email: atemi.konrad@gmail.com – There is no refund policy!
In order to limit the possibility of COVID-19 infection, the competition office will not accept cash payments, nor will it be possible to change the registration. Accreditations for competitors and coaches participating in the Kata competition will be issued on the day of the competition from 07:00 to 09:00, for competitors competing in Kumite – from 11:00 to 13:00.
Before entering the sports hall, each person will be checked for body temperature. The organizer, after consultation with the main doctor of the competition, reserves the right not to let a person with elevated temperature or having symptoms of coronavirus disease into the sports hall.
Until the moment of taking a seat in the audience, each person entering the sports hall must wear a mask covering their mouth and nose. Competitors within the tatami area do not have to wear masks.
The age category is determined by the date of birth. It is allowed to take part in an older age category (except for juniors in the U-21 kumite/kata and in senior kumite category).
If the application limit for one category is not met, it is possible to extend the limit for another category according to the order of applications on the waiting list.
Date of registration completion: 10.10.2020 or until the limit of applications is reached.
Entry fee:
- 35 EUR – U10 – U14
- 40 EUR – Cadets, Juniors, U21, Seniors
Please make necessary payment of the entry fee by money transfer under the title “Polish Open” and name of the club on the following account:
KSA Atemi
Widok 12
43-300 Bielsko-Biała
IBAN: PL 32 1240 6449 1111 0010 6169 8939
The competition will be held in accordance with the current WKF rules for age categories: Cadets, Juniors, U21 and Seniors, and with the following changes for younger age categories:
– U10 and U12 – minimum two kata have to be done alternatively
– U14 – different kata in each round
– U10 and U12 – fight time 60 seconds
– U14 – fight time 90 seconds
All controversial matters will be solved by the Chief Referee of the competition in agreement with the organizer. The organizer isn’t responsible for lost items. Heads of teams are responsible for competitors’ behaviour or eventual damages made by them. During the competition only competitors, heads of teams, coaches and invited guests can stay in the area of a fighting floor. For the audience there are special places. In order to lodge a protest against judge’s decision it is necessary to pay security at the amount of PLN 400 ( € 100). The exhibition and sale of goods is allowed on condition that the organizer gives his consent to it. It is also possible to order a tasty meal in the area of Sports hall for a cheap price.
The team leader is responsible for the compliance of his competitors and accompanying persons with sanitary regulations related to preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Any deterioration of health should be reported to the competition medical staff.
The competition is open for Polish (members of Polish Karate Union) and foreign clubs. Each contestant should have: identity card with a photo, competitors license, a doctor’s permission to take part in the competition and full insurance coverage for all eventualities. All of these documents should be prepared for possible control during the registration.
See You soon in Bielsko-Biała! Let’s show the power and unity of our sport in this hard times!